• Welcome to our classroom webpage!

    Mrs. Dutton 

    Pre-K 3 at Cataract Elementary School


  • Hand Washing Video - Click the black letters to watch our favorite friends from Nick Jr. and Baby Shark washing their hands properly!

  • Prek door at CEC building

  •  Hello and welcome to our Pre-K classroom webpage!  This is where you will find information about what our class will be doing in the upcoming days, weeks, and months.  

    You can use the link above to email me anytime, and check the links below for helpful information on ordering scholastic books or accessing our Class Dojo page. 

    You can also access some fun learning resources through the link on the left side of our page titled "Learning Resources". 

    The "Curriculum Study" section is where you will find some fun things that we would normally be doing in our classroom, but that with some direction, you can do at home with your children.

  • ClassDojo - Use this link to sign into our class with your code, and see some class pictures, videos and updates.


    Scholastic Book Orders - Use this link to log into Scholastic Books to browse available books and place orders.  Every order placed gives our classroom points to use to purchase books for our little's library!  Don't forget to use our class code P9MW6.