You made it! This is where you can find some fun and educational learning resources! Just click the blue sections to take you to the sites!
Literacy and Library
Starfall Pre-K - Free Pre-K level games, activities, stories and printables.
Epic - Pre-K level reading. Enter as "student" and use our class code Kyp3257
Tumble Book Library - Visit this library to view read-alouds, watch videos and read books. Our username is "prek3library" and our password is "trial".
Building Marlins Stadium - Watch a construction team use tools and measure to build Marlins Stadium.
San Diego Zoo - Take a virtual field trip to the San Diego Zoo and take a look at their video section to see live footage of some of our favorite animals.
Monterey Bay Aquarium - Take a virtual field trip to the Monterey Bay Aquarium to take a look at their live video section of some amazing aquatic life.
Music and Movement
I Know A Chicken - Sing along to one of our favorite songs with Laurie Berkner. You can make your own shaky egg by using a plastic egg. Just fill it with dry rice, beans or popcorn kernels, put the top back on and tape the crease using duct tape, electrical tape, or any other tape around your house. Then you can shake along!
The Kiboomers - Listen and dance to some great music with our friends The Kiboomers! You can listen through the links for iTunes, Spotify and YouTube on their webpage.
The Learning Station - Listen and dance with our friends Don, Laurie and Jan at The Learning Station! This is where you can find songs and dances for different holidays, feelings, shapes and more!
Cooking with PreKinders - Find some easy and fun recipes that you and your littles can do together! Try new foods, make some favorites, and get fun ideas for fmaily time.
Rad-Dish Kids - Use this link to watch some great videos of kids making family-friendly recipes! Explore the rest of the site, and visit the "Bonus Bites" section to find easy dietary modifications, activities, and more recipes. You can also subscribe to a monthly membership and have a meal kit delivered to your home, which includes a child-sized apron, recipe guides, skills cards, activities and kitchen tools.
Cooking with Kids - Visit this fun page on the Food Network website to find fun ideas and recipes you can make with your children! You can also find Chopped Junior clips where our littles can see other children competing on a cooking show.