Hello beautiful Pre-K students and families!
WELCOME to Mrs. Spanbauer's Pre-K Webpage!
Mrs. Sirianni, Miss Fleming and I have loved our time with you in Pre-K ! We hope you have enjoyed learning new things, meeting new friends and getting ready for kindergatern! This class is full of sweetness and strength! You quickly became a team of caring, sharing, helping, loving friends! That has been our favorite part of watching you grow and learn in our pre-k classroom!
Keep practicing your letters and numbers throughout the summer! Go back through this webpage and revisit some of the past weeks for more practice! Your kindergarten teacher will help you next year and will take you from where you are now, to where you need to be for First Grade. Please know that my door and my email are always open for all of you. I will follow your children from a distance, but they will always be in my heart!
xoxoxox, Mrs. Spanbauer, Mrs. Sirianni and Miss Fleming
It's important that we all stay healthy and safe.
Please wash your hands frequently and STAY HOME!
Please explore our webpage to find fun, educational and easy ways
to learn at home with your family.