• This Page will soon be updated~~~  Stay Tuned!!!


    Below is all "last school year's" Information: 


    Important Upcoming Dates For 6th Graders


    June 2-9 - Gather Locker Belongings by last name –

    Very strict schedule   *See below

    Monday June 8th- Quickly stop by school to receive “Diploma” and sweet gift from 11:00 to 1:00.  View video on YouTube

    September…- Date to be determined. 

                              Kickball and pizza celebration.

    Future 7th Graders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Gaskill will be posting this to the Gaskill Prep website, Staff Remind Accounts and Social Media as well.

    I hope this helps to ease some anxiety and stress from your 6th grade students and parents.

    Should you have any questions please feel free to email me.  Thnx Much!!

    Link - To be used to send to Teachers, Parents, Students (copy/select ALL)
    Welcome to 7th grade Video Orientation.Final - https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQGd7KqCTNmFY5E2XaRY1GOo509R5HZM3UJmKB8smdT5dh1MZT170wrQBxXxMtf97-24TN5Kxl12L9K/pub?start=true&loop=true&delayms=15000

    Embedded Code - To be used if Admin/Teacher wants to have Slide Show appear directly on a School/Teacher webpage
    <iframe src="https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQGd7KqCTNmFY5E2XaRY1GOo509R5HZM3UJmKB8smdT5dh1MZT170wrQBxXxMtf97-24TN5Kxl12L9K/embed?start=true&loop=true&delayms=15000" frameborder="0" width="960" height="749" allowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true"></iframe>

    Maple Avenue School

    Pick Up Schedule for Student Personal Items

    Pick Up Times – 10:30-1:30


    Student personal items from classroom lockers/desks will be pre-bagged, labeled and placed on tables outside of Door 2 (small parking lot) for parent/guardians to pick up on the dates listed below according to student last name.  Staff will be present to supervise each pick up.   There will also be a table for you to return textbooks, library books and school instruments. 


    In order to adhere to social distancing requirements, YOU MUST WEAR A FACE COVERING and there cannot be any loitering or gathering for conversations.  Please be courteous and maintain a 6 foot distance from others.



    Date            Student’s Last Name Begins With

    June 2                   A-C             

    June 3                   D-G            

    June 4                   H-L   

    June 5                   M-R  Due to district functions on June 5, student pick up time for that day will end at 1:00 pm when lunches end.

    June 8                   S-Z              



    Welcome to Mr. Sauvageau's

    6th Grade Webpage!!

    Please address any questions to:


    Maple Avenue School!!!

    Link to Miss Pero's Page



    Phone: 716-514-3348

  • If there are any parents that are not on REMIND yet, 

    please let Mr. Robins know so you can keep up-to-date 

    with our ever-changing reminders.

    Click below to notify him.


    Also, by April 13th we will be placing weekly lessons

    on these Teacher Webpages.  

    So if you can't log on to view lessons, please

    email either one of us (tsauvageau@nfschools.net) so we can get materials out to you!

    Thank you and keep safe!!!

  • Remember if you are having difficulty getting on to the sites below, email us and we'd be happy to help!



    Holt (my.hrw.com)

    Moby Max

    Kahn Academy (on the symbaloo icon page)

  • All of the following Math websites can be accessed through Clever.

    Students will enter their Clever log-in info (5 digit student ID twice as username and password).  

    • Pearson Realize (Investigations) 
    • Moby Max 
    • Zearn 
    • Prodigy 
    • Greg Tang Math 
    • Brain Pop 
    • Castle Learning 
    • Elementary Math Games 
    • Office 365 Login 


  • Below are the links that we will be using in the future to access Teams and Forms to submit work...







Last Modified on August 31, 2020