• Official Notices Relating to Maple Avenue School



    New York State’s Dignity for All Students Act (The Dignity Act) seeks to provide the State’s public elementary and secondary school students with a safe and supportive environment free from discrimination, intimidation, taunting, harassment, and bullying on school property, a school bus and/or at a school function.

    The Dignity Act was signed into law on September 13, 2010 and took effect on July 1, 2012.

    This legislation amended State Education Law by creating a new Article 2 – Dignity for All Students. The Dignity Act also amended Section 801-a of New York State Education Law regarding instruction in civility, citizenship, and character education by expanding the concepts of tolerance, respect for others and dignity to include: an awareness and sensitivity in the relations of people, including but not limited to, different races, weights, national origins, ethnic groups, religions, religious practices, mental or physical abilities, sexual orientations, gender identity, and sexes. The Dignity Act further amended Section 2801 of the Education Law by requiring Boards of Education to include language addressing The Dignity Act in their codes of conduct.

    Additionally, under the Dignity Act, schools will be responsible for collecting and reporting data regarding material incidents of discrimination and harassment.

    NOTE - If you are a parent/guardian or family member of a student and wish to report a bullying incident, please contact Linda Blake, Maple Avenue School Counselor at (716) 278-9152.

    The Dignity for All Students Act was signed into law on September 13, 2010 and became effective on July 1, 2012.

     Click here to see Building Procedures

    Click to see the Parent Involvement Policy

    Click to see the School and Home Compact  

    School Comprehensive Education Plan 

    Click here to see the Baked Goods Policy, which is as follows:

    Maple Avenue Elementary School Baked Goods Policy

    The Maple Avenue School Quality Council (SQC) instituted a Baked Goods Policy for our school in November 2002. The policy became necessary due to health concerns brought to our attention, as there are a number of children in our school who have specific food allergies.

    To comply with the Niagara Falls City School District’s Wellness Policy adopted in May 2006, the policy has been updated for September 2011. The policy requires that only store bought items, preferably with ingredients listed, be brought to school for parties and classroom celebrations.

    When originally instituting the policy, we surveyed parents and received close to 100 positive responses from parents saying they could support a Baked Goods Policy at Maple Avenue School. The following is a guide to assist you in purchasing items to send to school for classroom consumption and is not meant to limit your choices.

    However, any item with any kind of nuts or peanut butter is not allowed!

    Please call the school at 278-9140 if you have any questions.

    Suggested Treats · Rold Gold Pretzels · Frito Lay Baked Potato Chips, Cheetos, or Doritos · Frito Lay Sun Chips—Original and Cheddar · Grandma’s Mini Chocolate Chip Cookies · Grandma’s Fudge Big Cookies · Pre-packaged cookies in a large bag · Cupcakes from Tops/Sam’s Club · Ice cream sandwiches/cups to be served at lunchtime. Additional Low-Fat Items: Granola bars, Rice Crispy Treats, Animal Crackers, Snack Pack Pudding, Pop Tarts, Fat-Free Jerky’s, Low-Fat ice creams, yogurt, fruit bars, fresh fruit. As always, students should never have hard candy or small suckers that could get stuck in their throats. Inedible Suggestions · A new pencil for each child · Stickers · Fun pads · Erasers · Donating a book to your child’s class with his/her name in it with the occasion for celebration The Baked Goods Policy will be sent home at the beginning of each new school year. Please remember this policy includes treats for holiday parties and other school events. We thank you in advance for your cooperation.

    Required Water Testing 1 

    Required Water Testing Results 2  

    State Child Abuse Hotline

    New York is requiring that each public school post the phone number for the state's child-abuse hotline in a prominent location where students can see it. The District is happy to provide this information for the safety of all children.

    The statewide toll-free number is 1-800-342-3720.

    Visit the Office of Children and Family Services at www.ocfs.ny.gov/main/cps

    Nueva York está exigiendo que cada escuela pública publique el número de teléfono de la línea directa de abuso infantil en un lugar prominente donde los estudiantes puedan verlo. El Distrito se complace en proporcionar esta información para la seguridad de todos los niños.

    El número de teléfono gratuito del estado es 1-800-342-3720.

    Visite la Oficina de Servicios para Niños y Familias en
