

     Dear Parents,

    As we are now in the 3rd and final Trimester of a most difficult year I am asking your support in rebuilding our PEG Parent Group. The Maple Avenue PEG has been the backbone of the success, tradition, and enthusiasm that has existed for decades.

    We will host a PEG Meeting here live at Maple Avenue on Tuesday, April 27, 6:00 p.m. The meeting location will be our student cafeteria with social distancing of three feet and masks worn. We need to form our leadership plan for late spring, share the close out of the school year, and to structure a plan for 2021-22.

    We also are working with the Niagara River Greenway Commission in partnering a bike ride this spring for Maple Avenue students and parents on the new bike trail that extends from the Falls stretching to Youngstown. The Maple ride will take place in late May or early June from Whirlpool Park parking lot to the top of the Lewiston escarpment. Standby for the date, time, and logistics. This will be an exciting event allowing for Maple Avenue students, staff, and parents to enjoy the beautiful Niagara River Gorge Bike Trail.

    Looking forward to a long lasting PEG partnership.


    J. Showers


Last Modified on April 1, 2021