•  We are in the home stretch! This is the last week of our Unit of Study 'Getting Ready for Kindergarten'! 

    Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. 

    *Please monitor your child when watching the stories-safety first!

    Here you will find the daily stories, questions,and activites. Please note that all links are in RED.

    Young children are focused on the present, helping to build a daily schedule with them helps the young child learn about time and learn about sequence. A schedule also helps them feel secure, because they know what to expect and what's going to happen.

    Here is a great link to help you get started with one:

    Daily Schedule


    Teaching Strategies also has a full link with videos to help you as you work at home:

    Teaching Strategies      Ready Rosie

  • Tuesday

    Please help your child answer Question of the Day



    Down By The Bay



    Activity: Did you hear the rhyming words in the song?

    Can you make up a silly rhyme about a dog? Make a picture of your silly rhyme.

    Math fun- do you remember these signs? <  >  =  we used them every day when we did our lunch count.  Here is a game to help you practice them










  • Wednesday


    Today is the day you get to come to school to pick up all the things you left in our classroom. Please come between 11:00 and 1:00. I will be waiting for you outside Door number 2, the door you come in to go to our classroom.

    See you then! :)


    Don't forget to practice your words!

    25 Sight words for kindergarten: Kindergarten Sight Words

    Activity-Can you find the sight words?

    Sight word Rainbows


  • Thursday

    Please help your child answer Question of the Day



    To The Beach



    Activity: Use your kinetic sand to make a sand castle. Now make up a story about your castle. Who lives there? What do they do at their castle? Where is the castle? 







  • Friday


    Help your child answer Question of the Day



     I Wish You More


    Activity: If you could have one wish, what would you wish for?  Take a picture and send it to Mrs. Chille















Last Modified on May 29, 2020