• We have created expectations for our students’ behaviors in school. Five character traits are taught and reinforced throughout the year using consistent language school-wide. Emphasis will be on reinforcing positive behavior and providing students with the tools necessary to be successful at school and to lay the foundation to become productive citizens.

    The Eagle Way character traits and overview of expectations:

    1. Safety – Our Hyde Park School Community will keep our school, students and staff, safe and orderly to ensure that there is a positive learning environment.
    2. Respect – In the Hyde Park School Community, we treat each other with respect by speaking positively, helping and encouraging one another.
    3. Responsibility – Students attending Hyde Park school are required to: 
      • Enter school on time and prepared to actively engage in a learning environment
      • Put forth their best effort when completing all classroom assignments
      • Follow all school rules, inside and outside of the classroom
      • Acknowledge full responsibility for their choices and accept consequences for their actions

          4.  Cooperation- more than one person working together to better the group

                                    G – “Get along with each other"

                                           R – “Respect others opinions”

                                           O – “Offer support and feedback”

                                           U – “Use soft voices and kind words”

                                           P – “Participate actively”

                                           S – “Stay focused and work together as a team”

    5. Communication – We talk to each other to keep our Hyde Park School Community and ourselves healthy and safe.

    • Talk to others in a way that is positive and helpful
    • Let someone know if you or someone else needs help
    • Prevent bullying by communications with teachers and other adults