Message the Principal at JBriglio@nfschools.net
Dear Parents & Guardians:
I am again grateful and excited to begin the 2024-2025 school year with the families of GJ Mann. Our school's legacy is one of excellence. One that I have experienced first-hand as a father and sibling to students at GJ Mann. Know that I am committed to maintaining this tradition of excellence by supporting our staff in the delivery of instruction that is of the highest quality and supporting your child’s social emotional well-being in his or her pursuit of excellence in conduct, academics, athletics and the arts.
Please take a moment to read our revised Parent and Student Handbook, linked above. It contains updated arrival, dismissal and visitor policies that account for the health, safety and security of all.
I am looking forward to working with you and your child, knowing that through our continued cooperation we will ensure that Geraldine J. Mann Elementary School continues to be a healthy and secure place for all of us to learn, work and grow in the pursuit of excellence.
John Briglio, Principal